I've always been someone to make New Years Resolutions. For years it was the typical and less-than-concrete "Lose weight." Occasionally others joined the mix. I accomplished said resolutions with varying levels of success. For 2010, I decided to abandon my typical resolution in favor of something more measurable. I vowed to clean the entire house every week and cook dinner at least 3 times a week. Unfortunately (exclusively when it comes to my resolutions, of course), I found out I was pregnant on December 31, 2009. My morning sickness kicked in early January, and that, coupled with the exhaustion of first tri, caused me to abandon my resolutions pretty quickly. Then between bed rest and having an infant, the rest of 2010 was pretty much a bust as far as my resolutions went. So in 2011, I vowed the same, plus to find ways to save money. I made up a schedule for my cleaning, started couponing, and dusted off my cookbooks. And despite starting back in school, in general, I stuck to my resolutions. Yes, there were weeks that the house wasn't completely cleaned or that I only cooked once or twice, but there were also weeks of deep cleaning and cooking every single night, so I'm counting it as a win.
So now we're hours away from 2012. I feel good about my resolutions for the past year, so it's time to come up with some new ones. Here's what I have so far:
1) Floss every day
OK, so this one is pretty tame, but it's also important. And I cannot remember a time when I flossed more than once a week, usually more like once a month. Gross. But after my last dental appointment a few weeks ago, I decided to make it a habit (not due to any negative feedback from the dentist but just because it provided me a clean slate), and I've flossed every evening since. Making it a resolution will just bulk up my resolve to not let a day pass.
2) Meal-plan
This goes right along with couponing and shopping sales, as well as with my resolution from last year. Since I'll be taking 3 classes next semester, I can see cooking from scratch going by the wayside unless I make a conscious effort to have the meals planned in advance. This will also make shopping deals easier and help me make better use of pantry staples and freezer meals. I started this a couple of weeks ago, and it's worked well for us so far!
3) Lose weight
OK, here's that abstract one again. But I do have a more definite plan, which I'll go into in an upcoming post. And just like the others, I haven't waited until the New Year to get started. Since May, I've lost about 30 lbs. That may not sound like much, but since breastfeeding moms aren't supposed to lose more than a pound a week (or else risk compromising their milk supply), that's actually fairly decent. I'm below my pre-pregnancy weight, and I have concrete goals for the coming year.
4) Do more fun projects (with or without Ethan)
I'm not exactly sure what this is going to look like yet, but I envision accomplishing at least one craft project a month. It would also be neat to make cooking a joint project with Ethan whenever possible, especially once he's a little older. I feel like a lot of days (and weeks) just blend into one another, especially when school work eats up what little free time I have, so making this a priority will be good for me.
That's what I've come up with so far. Do you have any New Years Resolutions? What is your plan for accomplishing them?
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!
It's been a wonderful day! Ethan slept late, we opened presents, and then Ethan played all day. He was so excited with his new toys that he couldn't quite settle down for a morning nap, so he got lots of good playing in! I finished cleaning the house, cooked dinner, and even had some time left over to play with my new toys: a new sewing machine and a Cricut. It was a very crafty Christmas for me! I don't have enough time to do too much detail, so I'll leave you with a couple of videos and pictures. Unfortunately we didn't get any good pictures of Ethan's favorite present: a Radio Flyer Sport Coupe from Grandmama and Grandpapa. Since it was too big to wrap, we made the mistake of just putting it under the tree. Yeah, Ethan wanted nothing to do with opening presents because he just wanted to play in his new car! We did get some video, though, so I'll try to post one or two later.
We set up the tree and presents on Christmas Eve after Ethan went to bed, so he was quite surprised when he came downstairs this morning:

We set up the tree and presents on Christmas Eve after Ethan went to bed, so he was quite surprised when he came downstairs this morning:
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Good Day/Bad Day
It's been a mixed day. Ethan woke up at 5:15 this morning, screaming his head off. I couldn't even nurse him back to sleep, so I finally gave up at 6. He was fairly happy this morning, despite almost 2 hours less sleep than usual, but I was admittedly grumpy. After his morning nap, we headed south to do some final Christmas shopping for the in-laws, go to Fresh Market, and go downtown to the sheriff's office to apply for a concealed weapons license (back story on this to come in another post about our past two weekends). In short, a lot of time in the car and not a lot of running around time for Ethan. By the time we got home, it was past 2, we hadn't eaten lunch, and we were all a bit worse for wear.
After a quick lunch, I left to go to Harris Teeter to see if Ethan would finally agree to nap in his crib if he realized Mommy wasn't an option. He's been refusing to sleep in his crib during the day since Sunday, probably because he spent most of Saturday away from me and has been clingy ever since. I was gone for almost an hour, and I could hear him screaming before I even got inside the house. So I dropped my bags, ran upstairs with the wrap, and he was asleep within 5 minutes.
By this point, it's 4 PM, I'm hungry from not eating enough from lunch, and I'm just worn out from a long day. SOOO I cracked open a $6 pint of gourmet ice cream that I got for free. Whoever said you can't eat your feelings was full of it. I felt much better after I ate about half of it. Ethan woke up screaming after about 40 minutes, but I nursed him back to sleep and he slept for almost another hour, waking just before 6. He was ridiculously clingy all night, but I still managed to fix dinner, eat dinner, and snap the following picture of the day's grocery purchases:

Thanks to coupons, I only paid $2.30 for everything above. The picture makes me exceptionally happy, which is probably sad, but I don't really care.
Before bed, we put up the personalized growth chart that came in the mail today. It's a fabric decal that has reusable adhesive so it can be moved when Ethan graduates to his big-boy room. It retails for $29, but I had a coupon code that allowed me to only pay shipping. It matches the room perfectly! Pictures to come later, perhaps.
Ethan screamed for a minute or two when I put him down, which he doesn't usually do at night, but after his fussiness all day, I wasn't exactly surprised. He's been asleep for almost an hour now, so I can only hope he'll sleep better tonight.
It's been a bit of a rough day, but there have been small happinesses that made it bearable and even enjoyable at times. And, really, I guess that's all you can ask for.
After a quick lunch, I left to go to Harris Teeter to see if Ethan would finally agree to nap in his crib if he realized Mommy wasn't an option. He's been refusing to sleep in his crib during the day since Sunday, probably because he spent most of Saturday away from me and has been clingy ever since. I was gone for almost an hour, and I could hear him screaming before I even got inside the house. So I dropped my bags, ran upstairs with the wrap, and he was asleep within 5 minutes.
By this point, it's 4 PM, I'm hungry from not eating enough from lunch, and I'm just worn out from a long day. SOOO I cracked open a $6 pint of gourmet ice cream that I got for free. Whoever said you can't eat your feelings was full of it. I felt much better after I ate about half of it. Ethan woke up screaming after about 40 minutes, but I nursed him back to sleep and he slept for almost another hour, waking just before 6. He was ridiculously clingy all night, but I still managed to fix dinner, eat dinner, and snap the following picture of the day's grocery purchases:
Thanks to coupons, I only paid $2.30 for everything above. The picture makes me exceptionally happy, which is probably sad, but I don't really care.
Before bed, we put up the personalized growth chart that came in the mail today. It's a fabric decal that has reusable adhesive so it can be moved when Ethan graduates to his big-boy room. It retails for $29, but I had a coupon code that allowed me to only pay shipping. It matches the room perfectly! Pictures to come later, perhaps.
Ethan screamed for a minute or two when I put him down, which he doesn't usually do at night, but after his fussiness all day, I wasn't exactly surprised. He's been asleep for almost an hour now, so I can only hope he'll sleep better tonight.
It's been a bit of a rough day, but there have been small happinesses that made it bearable and even enjoyable at times. And, really, I guess that's all you can ask for.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Fifteen Month Appointment
We finally had Ethan's 15-month appointment today. It was pushed back since we were later going in for his 12 month one, and the weekend pushed us back further, so that's why it was almost a week after the fact. Let's begin with his stats:
Length: 32" (just above 75th percentile)
Weight: 22 lbs. 12 oz. (just above 25th percentile)
Head Circumference: 47.5 cm (60th percentile)
So he slowed down some on his growth, gained some in his weight, and stayed about the same for his head circ. He's back up to where he's been for his weight curve, and the doctor said he looks great!
The rest of the appointment was fairly uneventful. Ethan was much more shy than usual and fussed some about being examined, which could have been because he had to be awakened from his morning nap in order to get there in time. I asked the doctor about Ethan's picky eating habits, and the doctor said it's totally normal and that if Ethan decides to skip a meal here and there because he refuses to eat what is served, it's not going to hurt him. I don't think I'm quite ready to do that yet, so I may stay a short-order cook for the time being, but it's nice to have the reassurance. Apparently growth really starts to slow down starting between 15-18 months so being less hungry + toddler pickiness = stubborn toddler refusing to eat.
He did his usual wailing at the moment of the shots but was totally fine as soon as I got him in my arms. Unfortunately, this round has left him feeling rather poorly. It seemed to hit just in time for his afternoon nap, so after a failed attempt at getting him in the crib, he ended up asleep in the wrap again. When he woke up, he was crying unless he was nursing (even just switching between breasts), so I finally caved to giving him some Ibuprofen, which thankfully seems to have helped some as he's currently at least quiet in the nursery, if not already asleep. Hopefully the reaction will pass quickly, and he'll be back to normal tomorrow!
Length: 32" (just above 75th percentile)
Weight: 22 lbs. 12 oz. (just above 25th percentile)
Head Circumference: 47.5 cm (60th percentile)
So he slowed down some on his growth, gained some in his weight, and stayed about the same for his head circ. He's back up to where he's been for his weight curve, and the doctor said he looks great!
The rest of the appointment was fairly uneventful. Ethan was much more shy than usual and fussed some about being examined, which could have been because he had to be awakened from his morning nap in order to get there in time. I asked the doctor about Ethan's picky eating habits, and the doctor said it's totally normal and that if Ethan decides to skip a meal here and there because he refuses to eat what is served, it's not going to hurt him. I don't think I'm quite ready to do that yet, so I may stay a short-order cook for the time being, but it's nice to have the reassurance. Apparently growth really starts to slow down starting between 15-18 months so being less hungry + toddler pickiness = stubborn toddler refusing to eat.
He did his usual wailing at the moment of the shots but was totally fine as soon as I got him in my arms. Unfortunately, this round has left him feeling rather poorly. It seemed to hit just in time for his afternoon nap, so after a failed attempt at getting him in the crib, he ended up asleep in the wrap again. When he woke up, he was crying unless he was nursing (even just switching between breasts), so I finally caved to giving him some Ibuprofen, which thankfully seems to have helped some as he's currently at least quiet in the nursery, if not already asleep. Hopefully the reaction will pass quickly, and he'll be back to normal tomorrow!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Won't You Be My Neighbor
We have been so blessed with our neighborhood. We have the sort of neighbors you see in old timey movies, the kind you can't imagine would still exist today. Now, no one has ever asked to borrow a cup of sugar, but I have received calls for an onion and aluminum foil. Mostly, they are just incredibly considerate and willing to spoil Ethan rotten.
I've mentioned our next-door neighbors before as they have two little boys around Ethan's age. Our neighbors right across the street also go to our church and were the first ones to bring a meal by when I was initially put on bed rest. They never let a holiday pass by without a treat for Ethan and often come bring a little gift when they come to visit just because. Their teenage son watches our cats and goats when we go out of town, and the mom has watched Ethan on a couple of occasions when our sitter left us in a bind and I needed to get to class. We try to get together regularly just to visit, and we come to one another with our problems, despite the probably 20+ year age gap.
Another neighbor's teenage daughter also has watched our goats for us, and she and her mom rounded up the goats when Ryan made an escape shortly after we got them. They've also called to warn us when they spotted snakes, etc. in the neighborhood. They are a great example of neighbors looking out for one another.
At the end of the street are two houses, one owned by a British couple that home schools their four kids and the other by a couple that keep their granddaughters every weekday afternoon. Both are always around and willing to help out. The British mom provided much encouragement during our early weight-gain woes. The other couple is also big on surprise treats, for both Ethan and us. Upon learning that we didn't have many Christmas decorations for our tree, they dropped by two big boxes of theirs. This year, they brought us some more ornaments and a hand-knitted hat for Ethan.
There are three other neighbors we don't know quite as well, but they have all shown acts of kindness at various points, and I know I could come to any of them in a jam.
The closeness of our neighborhood is very evident around the holidays. Almost everyone bakes treats for everyone in the neighborhood and goes door-to-door delivering them. We didn't receive any our first year since we'd only moved in a few months beforehand and didn't really know anyone well yet. We didn't make any last year because we didn't know the tradition. This year I'm ready. I've painted some Stonyfield yogurt containers green, decorated the lids with holiday messages in red sharpie, and this weekend I'll be making cookies and buckeyes to distribute on Sunday evening.
It's one of many little things that remind me we are so very lucky to live where we do!
I've mentioned our next-door neighbors before as they have two little boys around Ethan's age. Our neighbors right across the street also go to our church and were the first ones to bring a meal by when I was initially put on bed rest. They never let a holiday pass by without a treat for Ethan and often come bring a little gift when they come to visit just because. Their teenage son watches our cats and goats when we go out of town, and the mom has watched Ethan on a couple of occasions when our sitter left us in a bind and I needed to get to class. We try to get together regularly just to visit, and we come to one another with our problems, despite the probably 20+ year age gap.
Another neighbor's teenage daughter also has watched our goats for us, and she and her mom rounded up the goats when Ryan made an escape shortly after we got them. They've also called to warn us when they spotted snakes, etc. in the neighborhood. They are a great example of neighbors looking out for one another.
At the end of the street are two houses, one owned by a British couple that home schools their four kids and the other by a couple that keep their granddaughters every weekday afternoon. Both are always around and willing to help out. The British mom provided much encouragement during our early weight-gain woes. The other couple is also big on surprise treats, for both Ethan and us. Upon learning that we didn't have many Christmas decorations for our tree, they dropped by two big boxes of theirs. This year, they brought us some more ornaments and a hand-knitted hat for Ethan.
There are three other neighbors we don't know quite as well, but they have all shown acts of kindness at various points, and I know I could come to any of them in a jam.
The closeness of our neighborhood is very evident around the holidays. Almost everyone bakes treats for everyone in the neighborhood and goes door-to-door delivering them. We didn't receive any our first year since we'd only moved in a few months beforehand and didn't really know anyone well yet. We didn't make any last year because we didn't know the tradition. This year I'm ready. I've painted some Stonyfield yogurt containers green, decorated the lids with holiday messages in red sharpie, and this weekend I'll be making cookies and buckeyes to distribute on Sunday evening.
It's one of many little things that remind me we are so very lucky to live where we do!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Christmas Deals 2011
It's been a while since I posted about couponing, so I figured I'd do a bragging post about the deals I found for Ethan's Christmas gifts. Last year, I was very proud to have gotten him just over $100 of gifts for less than $10. This year, I paid more out of pocket, but I got him about $120 worth of gifts for just over $25. So let's break the deals down in general terms:
- Toy from Barnes & Noble: Retailed for $34 but used 40% off coupon on top of 10% membership discount
- Book from Barnes & Noble: Retailed for $9 but used 50% off coupon on top of 10% membership discount
- Book from Cokesbury: Retailed for $8 and used $10 coupon to buy it plus two reusable shopping bags, totally free!
- Six toys from SmartMomma, a local baby goods store: Retailed for about $70 but all toys were 20% off during Black Friday weekend. Plus we went on Small Business Saturday and registered two separate AmEx cards, doing two separate transactions, for a total of $50 in credit on our next statements. Total cost? $5.60.
In addition, I used a LivingSocial voucher for Whole Foods to get treats for his stocking totally free (since the groceries I was buying anyway used up the paid value of the voucher).
So we were able to fill the space under the tree and his stocking for less than the retail cost of the first toy we bought him. I'm pretty pleased with myself, especially since I didn't expect to do as well as last year since I had less time to research deals due to school.
Edited to add: As an added bonus, I made $30 in November by filling out a TV diary sent to me by a survey company, so that alone took care of all our Christmas shopping for Ethan costs! Not too shabby!
Did anyone else find any good holiday deals they want to brag about?
- Toy from Barnes & Noble: Retailed for $34 but used 40% off coupon on top of 10% membership discount
- Book from Barnes & Noble: Retailed for $9 but used 50% off coupon on top of 10% membership discount
- Book from Cokesbury: Retailed for $8 and used $10 coupon to buy it plus two reusable shopping bags, totally free!
- Six toys from SmartMomma, a local baby goods store: Retailed for about $70 but all toys were 20% off during Black Friday weekend. Plus we went on Small Business Saturday and registered two separate AmEx cards, doing two separate transactions, for a total of $50 in credit on our next statements. Total cost? $5.60.
In addition, I used a LivingSocial voucher for Whole Foods to get treats for his stocking totally free (since the groceries I was buying anyway used up the paid value of the voucher).
So we were able to fill the space under the tree and his stocking for less than the retail cost of the first toy we bought him. I'm pretty pleased with myself, especially since I didn't expect to do as well as last year since I had less time to research deals due to school.
Edited to add: As an added bonus, I made $30 in November by filling out a TV diary sent to me by a survey company, so that alone took care of all our Christmas shopping for Ethan costs! Not too shabby!
Did anyone else find any good holiday deals they want to brag about?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
First Day of Break
To celebrate my first day of winter break, Ethan and I didn't leave the house today except to go for a walk around the neighborhood. We just enjoyed cuddling up together, playing, crafting, and cooking. After Ethan woke up from his morning nap, I made my first Pinterest craft: A Christmas card wreath. I'm not as happy as I thought I would be with how it turned out, but at least the Christmas cards we receive are now out of the reach of little hands.
Ethan decided he wanted to nurse basically non-stop from about 11:30 to 1:30, so we just did a lot of cuddling and playing between nursing mini-sessions. During his afternoon nap, I fixed myself lunch, cleaned the kitchen and dining room, did some laundry and general tidying, and then just relaxed. I sat down on the couch when I expected him to wake up any minute, and he surprised me by sleeping an extra 45 minutes! Not that I'm complaining about having some down time =)
After nursing and a snack, Ethan played while I fixed this for dinner, along with some brown rice. I also fixed tomorrow night's dinner, since it has to marinate overnight and then can just go in the oven with the leftover brown rice as a side. Which means tomorrow night, all I have left to fix is a veggie.
It was the perfect balance of relaxation and productivity. And I look forward to many more days like it in the coming weeks!
Ethan decided he wanted to nurse basically non-stop from about 11:30 to 1:30, so we just did a lot of cuddling and playing between nursing mini-sessions. During his afternoon nap, I fixed myself lunch, cleaned the kitchen and dining room, did some laundry and general tidying, and then just relaxed. I sat down on the couch when I expected him to wake up any minute, and he surprised me by sleeping an extra 45 minutes! Not that I'm complaining about having some down time =)
After nursing and a snack, Ethan played while I fixed this for dinner, along with some brown rice. I also fixed tomorrow night's dinner, since it has to marinate overnight and then can just go in the oven with the leftover brown rice as a side. Which means tomorrow night, all I have left to fix is a veggie.
It was the perfect balance of relaxation and productivity. And I look forward to many more days like it in the coming weeks!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Fifteen Months
Dear Ethan,
To be blunt, it's been a much better month! There has been much less screaming, less illness, and a lot more fun! And it all traces back to one thing: Communication! This month has shown huge strides in your ability to let us know what you want. From signing to talking, your vocabulary exploded this month. You sign every time for "more" (which basically means "I want" now), "eat," "hungry," "drink," "nurse," and "outside," and you're picking up signs readily now, which means I need to study up to add more to your repertoire. You're also talking a lot more. Almost daily, you say "Mama," "Dada," "Bye-bye," "Kitty," and "Book." This month you've also added "Doggy," "On," "Off," "Hi," "Belly," and "Bellybutton" to your common words. The last one is my favorite because it's always accompanied with you lifting up your shirt and pointing to it! It's so much fun to listen to you talk to us, and I know it makes you happier to be able to tell us what you want.
Unfortunately, you still don't often know what you want to eat. I've almost given up on getting you to eat balanced meals in favor of just finding something you'll eat. As a result, while you get a lot of fruit, some yogurt, some vegetables, and some meat each week, a big portion of your diet comes in the form of cereal, organic "goldfish," and organic graham cracker snacks. I still can't figure out why you won't eat any meat I cook but will eat certain meats from restaurants. Surely my cooking isn't THAT bad! Hopefully we'll get past this picky toddler phase quickly, as it's starting to test my patience.
You're still taking two naps a day, though each one is down to about 1.25 hours. I miss those 2+ hour naps, but maybe we'll get them back once you finally decide to drop down to one nap a day. I never thought I'd want you to sleep less, but when all of your little friends dropped their morning nap months ago, it makes it really hard to schedule any play dates!
And we finally have time for play dates since today marked the end of the semester for Mommy! That means almost a month (and maybe more than a month depending on whether or not my Monday class is making up for MLK) of no school work, no classes, nothing to distract me from playtime with my little munchkin! That doesn't mean the next month won't be busy, though! We've got Christmas, then a trip to Atlanta, which means a lot of family time and seeing relatives who haven't seen you since you were 3 months old! My how you've changed since then! And I know that by the time I'm writing another letter to you, you will have changed even more. But what will never change is just how much we love you and how precious you are.
To be blunt, it's been a much better month! There has been much less screaming, less illness, and a lot more fun! And it all traces back to one thing: Communication! This month has shown huge strides in your ability to let us know what you want. From signing to talking, your vocabulary exploded this month. You sign every time for "more" (which basically means "I want" now), "eat," "hungry," "drink," "nurse," and "outside," and you're picking up signs readily now, which means I need to study up to add more to your repertoire. You're also talking a lot more. Almost daily, you say "Mama," "Dada," "Bye-bye," "Kitty," and "Book." This month you've also added "Doggy," "On," "Off," "Hi," "Belly," and "Bellybutton" to your common words. The last one is my favorite because it's always accompanied with you lifting up your shirt and pointing to it! It's so much fun to listen to you talk to us, and I know it makes you happier to be able to tell us what you want.
Unfortunately, you still don't often know what you want to eat. I've almost given up on getting you to eat balanced meals in favor of just finding something you'll eat. As a result, while you get a lot of fruit, some yogurt, some vegetables, and some meat each week, a big portion of your diet comes in the form of cereal, organic "goldfish," and organic graham cracker snacks. I still can't figure out why you won't eat any meat I cook but will eat certain meats from restaurants. Surely my cooking isn't THAT bad! Hopefully we'll get past this picky toddler phase quickly, as it's starting to test my patience.
You're still taking two naps a day, though each one is down to about 1.25 hours. I miss those 2+ hour naps, but maybe we'll get them back once you finally decide to drop down to one nap a day. I never thought I'd want you to sleep less, but when all of your little friends dropped their morning nap months ago, it makes it really hard to schedule any play dates!
And we finally have time for play dates since today marked the end of the semester for Mommy! That means almost a month (and maybe more than a month depending on whether or not my Monday class is making up for MLK) of no school work, no classes, nothing to distract me from playtime with my little munchkin! That doesn't mean the next month won't be busy, though! We've got Christmas, then a trip to Atlanta, which means a lot of family time and seeing relatives who haven't seen you since you were 3 months old! My how you've changed since then! And I know that by the time I'm writing another letter to you, you will have changed even more. But what will never change is just how much we love you and how precious you are.
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Santa Menace
We never took Ethan to see Santa last year. He was only 3 months old, and it just seemed like a waste of time and money to go to the mall. By the time I found out about the free pictures with Santa in our little town, the dates had already passed. So this year, I knew I wanted to go see the downtown Santa. On Dec. 3rd, we headed out before Ethan's morning nap, only to find out later that Santa wouldn't arrive for a couple more hours. Determined to see Santa that weekend, we ventured out to the mall the following night. Unfortunately, the lowest picture price was $27 and personal cameras were prohibited, so we quickly changed our minds. Ethan and I stood off to the side and watched other kids greet Santa, though, and Ethan was entranced by the lights and decorations. We wandered the mall for a little while, and when we passed by Santa again, the line had disappeared, so we decided to go ahead and see him, even if we didn't end up getting any pictures.
As we waited for Santa to finish up with the one kid already in his lap, Ethan grinned and laughed for the girl taking pictures. She even commented, "Oh, you're going to be easy!" We approached the Santa throne, sat Ethan on his lap, and almost immediately were greeted with "WAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" There was no screaming or struggling to get away. He just sat there, pouty lip extended, wailing (it was absolutely adorable, actually). I tried to sit with him, but if Santa so much as looked at him, he started crying again. Ethan + Santa =/= BFFs.
Despite this less than successful introduction to Santa, we planned on going to see the downtown Santa this past weekend, since we could at least get some pictures, and maybe this Santa would be nicer (mall Santa was a bit of a jerk). This is the result:

This time it was full-on screaming and struggling to get away. He calmed down a little bit for the family picture, but he's still one unhappy baby.
Mother-of-the-year confession? I laugh my ass off every time I look at these pictures. Sure he's probably been traumatized, but these pictures are blackmail gold for the teen years!
As we waited for Santa to finish up with the one kid already in his lap, Ethan grinned and laughed for the girl taking pictures. She even commented, "Oh, you're going to be easy!" We approached the Santa throne, sat Ethan on his lap, and almost immediately were greeted with "WAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" There was no screaming or struggling to get away. He just sat there, pouty lip extended, wailing (it was absolutely adorable, actually). I tried to sit with him, but if Santa so much as looked at him, he started crying again. Ethan + Santa =/= BFFs.
Despite this less than successful introduction to Santa, we planned on going to see the downtown Santa this past weekend, since we could at least get some pictures, and maybe this Santa would be nicer (mall Santa was a bit of a jerk). This is the result:
This time it was full-on screaming and struggling to get away. He calmed down a little bit for the family picture, but he's still one unhappy baby.
Mother-of-the-year confession? I laugh my ass off every time I look at these pictures. Sure he's probably been traumatized, but these pictures are blackmail gold for the teen years!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
The Grass Is Always Greener...
I remember when Ethan was younger, I longed for him to be just a bit older. Then, I figured, he could entertain himself and wouldn't need such constant attention. Once he's one, surely I'll be able to get more done. HA! Hahahahahahahaha!!!
True, he can entertain himself, but what I didn't realize is that his form of entertainment is finding new ways to try to break his neck or choke on small objects. Whereas at 4 months, I could sit him on a quilt with a toy and work on a paper, now the only way I can get any school work done is if he's asleep or being watched by someone else. Otherwise, every other sentence would be stopped by having to track him down, either because of a loud crash or because he's just too quiet... and, as you other moms know, the latter is by far worse 90% of the time!
I try to console myself by saying surely in a few months or at most a year he'll have developed some sense of right and wrong, safe and unsafe. But in the back of my mind I know that age will only bring more mischief to get into...
On a more positive note, yesterday I capped off my week of productivity by writing one of my final projects, basically start to finish. I'd gotten a slight start on it earlier in the week (like a page), but after Ethan's post-morning-nap nursing, he went off with Daddy to run errands, and I got to work. 5 hours later, stopping only to nurse, eat a quick lunch, and get him down for a nap, I had 30 pages! And after Ethan went to bed last night, I did a final revision before sending it off. It's amazing what you can get done with 6 hours of basically baby-free time! Now I just have one more final project (for my pass/fail class) and a final exam to cram for, and I'm done until January!
True, he can entertain himself, but what I didn't realize is that his form of entertainment is finding new ways to try to break his neck or choke on small objects. Whereas at 4 months, I could sit him on a quilt with a toy and work on a paper, now the only way I can get any school work done is if he's asleep or being watched by someone else. Otherwise, every other sentence would be stopped by having to track him down, either because of a loud crash or because he's just too quiet... and, as you other moms know, the latter is by far worse 90% of the time!
I try to console myself by saying surely in a few months or at most a year he'll have developed some sense of right and wrong, safe and unsafe. But in the back of my mind I know that age will only bring more mischief to get into...
On a more positive note, yesterday I capped off my week of productivity by writing one of my final projects, basically start to finish. I'd gotten a slight start on it earlier in the week (like a page), but after Ethan's post-morning-nap nursing, he went off with Daddy to run errands, and I got to work. 5 hours later, stopping only to nurse, eat a quick lunch, and get him down for a nap, I had 30 pages! And after Ethan went to bed last night, I did a final revision before sending it off. It's amazing what you can get done with 6 hours of basically baby-free time! Now I just have one more final project (for my pass/fail class) and a final exam to cram for, and I'm done until January!
Friday, December 2, 2011
My Definition of Productivity
I'm not sure that this definition of "productivity" would fly for a non-SAHM-to-a-toddler-while-also-in-grad-school, but this week cannot be described as anything other than productive, in my opinion. First a brief catch-up from the past couple of weeks:
Just after getting over the stomach virus, Ethan caught my cold. It wasn't TOO bad, and it was over after a few days. On the 20th, I was leading worship at church, so Ethan was going to sit with his daddy the whole time. As I kissed him goodbye, I noticed that his nose was running, but I figured it must be allergies or something random like that because SURELY my kid wasn't getting another cold, less than two days after I packed up the humidifier from the last one. By that evening, he was completely stopped up and had a fever. So I spent the night with him in the guest room, trying to get him to sleep as his fever soared to 103.3 at its highest. Not fun. But thankfully he only had 36 hours of fever, and that was the only all-nighter for me. I did come down with his cold, complete with fever, a couple of days later, but we were both feeling better in time for Thanksgiving, for which I cooked a complete feast, even though it was just the three of us. Ethan flattered me by putting his toddler pickiness aside long enough to try a bite of everything:

So between caring for a sick toddler, being sick myself, and preparing for Thanksgiving, blogging was about the furthest thing from my mind. I have posts in my head for toddler breastfeeding, a photo tutorial on making longies from a thrift store sweater, and other fun things, but for now, back to the original topic of this post.
In the past week, I have:
- Gone to my last week of class for the semester
- Started one of my final projects
- Deep cleaned the refrigerator, which included taking EVERYTHING out, scrubbing all the shelves and drawers, washing the walls, etc.
- Semi-deep cleaned the dishwasher, which included scrubbing everywhere that food could build-up (but not taking the shelves out because they get cleaned every time it runs) and running a vinegar cycle
- All of my usual weekly cleaning
- All of my usual laundry, including diapers every other day and including my monthly diaper stripping routine
- Preparing dinner each night according to my weekly meal plan (a new habit I'm trying to get in to avoid last-minute-dinner-headaches)
- Fixing a few extra meals for the freezer
- Going to student health for my yearly physical
- Going to the dentist for my (12-months overdue...) semi-annual cleaning
- Researching and purchasing a chest freezer since our side-by-side is overflowing with frozen produce from the CSA, meat from stocking up when it's on sale, freezer meals both made and purchased, and my breastmilk stash
Again, this may not seem like much, but imagine doing all of this while watching a toddler who just this week discovered he can climb on bookcases, take DVDs out of cases and try to eat them, climb on coffee tables, climb out of play pens (are we sensing a climbing trend here?), and who throws a screaming tantrum any time you try to stop him from doing any of these activities. Then add hour-long meals and snacks since he also decided he doesn't want to eat ANYTHING you offer him the first 100 times. Then see how much you get done and what you consider to count as productivity =)
It's been a good week. Now I just need to hammer out these final projects and study for a final, and then I can "relax." But that's a definition for another day.
Just after getting over the stomach virus, Ethan caught my cold. It wasn't TOO bad, and it was over after a few days. On the 20th, I was leading worship at church, so Ethan was going to sit with his daddy the whole time. As I kissed him goodbye, I noticed that his nose was running, but I figured it must be allergies or something random like that because SURELY my kid wasn't getting another cold, less than two days after I packed up the humidifier from the last one. By that evening, he was completely stopped up and had a fever. So I spent the night with him in the guest room, trying to get him to sleep as his fever soared to 103.3 at its highest. Not fun. But thankfully he only had 36 hours of fever, and that was the only all-nighter for me. I did come down with his cold, complete with fever, a couple of days later, but we were both feeling better in time for Thanksgiving, for which I cooked a complete feast, even though it was just the three of us. Ethan flattered me by putting his toddler pickiness aside long enough to try a bite of everything:
So between caring for a sick toddler, being sick myself, and preparing for Thanksgiving, blogging was about the furthest thing from my mind. I have posts in my head for toddler breastfeeding, a photo tutorial on making longies from a thrift store sweater, and other fun things, but for now, back to the original topic of this post.
In the past week, I have:
- Gone to my last week of class for the semester
- Started one of my final projects
- Deep cleaned the refrigerator, which included taking EVERYTHING out, scrubbing all the shelves and drawers, washing the walls, etc.
- Semi-deep cleaned the dishwasher, which included scrubbing everywhere that food could build-up (but not taking the shelves out because they get cleaned every time it runs) and running a vinegar cycle
- All of my usual weekly cleaning
- All of my usual laundry, including diapers every other day and including my monthly diaper stripping routine
- Preparing dinner each night according to my weekly meal plan (a new habit I'm trying to get in to avoid last-minute-dinner-headaches)
- Fixing a few extra meals for the freezer
- Going to student health for my yearly physical
- Going to the dentist for my (12-months overdue...) semi-annual cleaning
- Researching and purchasing a chest freezer since our side-by-side is overflowing with frozen produce from the CSA, meat from stocking up when it's on sale, freezer meals both made and purchased, and my breastmilk stash
Again, this may not seem like much, but imagine doing all of this while watching a toddler who just this week discovered he can climb on bookcases, take DVDs out of cases and try to eat them, climb on coffee tables, climb out of play pens (are we sensing a climbing trend here?), and who throws a screaming tantrum any time you try to stop him from doing any of these activities. Then add hour-long meals and snacks since he also decided he doesn't want to eat ANYTHING you offer him the first 100 times. Then see how much you get done and what you consider to count as productivity =)
It's been a good week. Now I just need to hammer out these final projects and study for a final, and then I can "relax." But that's a definition for another day.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
To Tide You Over...
It's been a busy couple of weeks between toddler colds, final papers, and day-to-day stuff, so the blog has been neglected once again. So until I have time for a real update, enjoy this video I shot this morning:
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