Sunday, January 12, 2014

Five Months

Dear Wesley,

It's been another whirlwind month! Your first Christmas. Your first really long road trip. Your first vomit (on Mommy at 2:30 AM New Year's Day...). And this morning, your first time hearing Mommy preach! You are growing by leaps and bounds and have quite the personality. You can now sit all by yourself (for a few minutes at least). You are SO curious and try to grab everything that catches your eye. You're teething hardcore, but not too upset about it. And you still charm everyone with your default ear-to-ear grin.

With the exception of the week you were REALLY sick, you've been gaining at a wonderful rate! We're still just supplementing 6-7 oz/day via SNS, and it's making all the difference. I'm so grateful for the network of mom friends who care enough about you to share their milk! We go back to the doctor on Tuesday, so hopefully all will still check out well!

This next month will hopefully be calmer. Hard to believe it'll be the last month of your first half-year! It'll also be the last month of my extra flexible office schedule, so I hope we're able to enjoy these bonus days at home. I can't wait to see what you discover next!
