Above, you'll see the best impulse, Kroger-checkout purchase EVER! As cute as Ethan is, this hat increases his adorableness to an immeasurable amount. And as you can see, he loves it! Ethan is not a hat baby, at all, but for some reason, this little red stocking cap just works, don't you think?
Ethan has had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas thus far. He was quite a happy baby yesterday and was a little angel during the Christmas Eve service. While other kids were talking and crying throughout, Ethan smiled happily, yawned occasionally, and drew heaps of praise from fellow worshipers. He watched patiently while Mommy read the scripture and greeted me with a huge smile upon my return. Then, on the 5-minute drive home, he fell asleep without a peep and stayed asleep once we got him inside, allowing me to cook and us to eat without having to worry about him, a rare occurrence in this house. After a good night's sleep (which deserves a separate blog post in the days to come because we finally transitioned him to the crib, and he's spent the entire past two nights in his crib exclusively!), he was ready to greet Christmas morning... sort of. While he wasn't fussy, he refused to smile while we opened presents, so we didn't get many good pictures of him. However, after a nap and another feeding, he was in a better mood and showed a little more interest in his new toys, particularly the Jack-in-the-Box.
The Christmas festivities won't stop here, though! Tomorrow we'll head down to Atlanta for a week with family. Ethan will meet his uncles and one of his aunts for the first time (his other aunt is staying in Maine for the holidays), as well as most of his great-grandparents, some great-aunts and -uncles, and other members of his extended family. Unfortunately (well, fortunately, but not since we're trying to travel), it's going to be a White Christmas, and we're expecting 2-4" of snow today and another 3-5" tomorrow, so this is all dependent on our being able to get out of town tomorrow. We'll see what happens!
We hope you and your families are having a wonderful holiday season!
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