How in the world could you possibly be half a year old? Surely you're not the same tiny little baby they placed on my chest six months ago! My how you, and we, have changed!
You are increasingly mobile, inchworming all around, though you can't quite figure out how to lift your head while you attempt to crawl. Once you figure that out, you'll be off and running in no time. We finally had to break out the Pack 'n' Play downstairs since you figured out how to escape the Bumbo, and the bouncer and Boppy haven't contained you in weeks. Now that we've discovered your new favorite food, you're eating 1/4 a banana every day! (Tomorrow we're going to try sweet potato and maybe even rice cereal again to see if you just needed to figure out the mechanics better.) You are so expressive, and everywhere we go people remark on how happy and smiley you are. You just love other people and flirt until they fall in love with you, too.
You're getting bigger every day, too. In this past month, I had to sadly store away all of your six month clothes after continuing to cram you into them longer than I probably should have just because I couldn't believe you were growing so much. These 9 month outfits seemed so incredibly huge when they hung in your closet as a newborn, and now they fit you perfectly. Your weight gain is beginning to slow, but for once that is to be expected since you've been continuing to gain at a newborn pace long after it was supposed to slow at 4 months. You're definitely getting taller as well, and I'm excited to see all of your measurements at your appointment tomorrow!
I know the next six months will fly by, too. More than likely, they'll see your first steps and first words. Hopefully they'll see you learning to put yourself to sleep at night and more reliably sleep through the entire night (currently, you only sporadically sleep all night, usually waking once around 10-11 PM). But even if they don't, I can't wait to see how you continue to change and grow. I know that regardless you'll remain the sweet, wonderful little boy I fall more and more in love with each day.
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