Saturday, July 23, 2011

First Shoes!

Since Ethan is doing pretty well with this whole walking thing, we decided to go to Stride Rite today to have him fitted for his first pair of shoes so he can safely explore the outdoors. He took after his daddy's chubby baby feet, landing him in a navy sneaker in size 4W.

As you can see, he already looks older in them, especially when paired with his haircut! Once he finished his water, it was time to try them out:

"These things make walking harder! I have to hold onto Mommy's hands"

"OK, I guess I can push my train in them, too, but I'm NOT walking in them!"

We went outside to give them a true test, since he's so far refused to do much walking in the grass barefoot (and since that's the entire reason we got shoes!):

"I would much rather just sit down and explore, Mommy!"

"What the heck is this stuff, anyway?"

Finally, we convinced him to give walking in the shoes on the grass a try:


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