The day I anticipated with both dread and excitement is now upon us. You are one year old today! For months, I just knew I would cry over it (since I already cried on certain month milestones), but so far I'm just in awe of how far you and we have come. A year ago today, the doctor laid a screaming, wiggling newborn on my chest, and my life will never be the same. You have changed my views on so many things, big and small. You have made me an entirely new creature: a mother. I love you more than I ever thought possible.
You are quite a busy little boy, now! You run around the house, getting into everything. If we say "no," you just look at us and grin. You run up to us and hug our legs. You give us kisses on demand. If you wake up extra early and Daddy takes you downstairs to play while I rest, you excitedly climb the stairs, burst into our bedroom, and run around to my side of the bed, giggling and calling "Mama!" You are the most precious mischief I've ever met. You love being the center of attention, and any clapping just HAS to be for you. In fact, when playing with your new motorcycle rocker from Grandmama and Grandpapa this morning, you discovered a button that made the sound of a cheering crowd. And you pressed it about a dozen times in a row, grinning from ear to ear before joining in to clap for yourself.
After turning back to bottles after a brief stomach virus episode, today marks the return to sippy cups and the end of formula supplementing. You took your first sippy of milk like it was no big deal, even though it took an hour for you to drink the whole thing since you kept pushing it away to play. You eat a decent amount at each of your meals, and you're still nursing 6-8 times most days. I am so proud of us for making it to the one-year mark for nursing, and I hope we continue for months and even years to come!
Bedtime is still full of smiles, and you often play in your crib for a few minutes before you decide to go to sleep. It's so much fun to listen to you play with the aquarium and talk to your stuffed animals when it seems like only yesterday you had to nurse to sleep or else! You've been waking up a bit earlier lately, usually between 6:30 and 7, but that just means more playtime and cuddles. You still take your morning nap in the wrap, and thankfully some of your panic over the afternoon nap has eased the past couple of days, making it easier on both of us. Hopefully you'll adjust fully soon!
This next month holds only one planned first as it will be Mommy's first time to fly solo with you as we head down to Atlanta for a visit while Daddy's away for work. We also have your first birthday party on Saturday, which will be lots of fun!
So here we are, sweetie. A year from the day you came into our lives and took over our hearts. And even though you're now officially a toddler, you'll always be my baby.
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