I hadn't planned to continue to write you each month after you turned one, but you are still changing and growing so much that I have to record all you're doing. This month has seen several steps forward and some steps back, and I think we've almost ended up back where we started in some regards. For about a week, you were sleeping in every morning, sometimes sleeping for over 12 straight hours! Then, all of a sudden, you reverted back to waking between 6:15 and 6:30. I think it's because you're teething again (molars!), but maybe you just like to keep us guessing. In the wake of my going back to school, you began fighting your afternoon nap horribly, as mentioned in previous posts, but I think we're finally back to normal since you are only fussing a few seconds now, if that. Your appetite also seemed to pick up for a few weeks and you seemed more willing to try new things. Now, again perhaps due to the teething, you're refusing almost everything and are also rebelling against your high chair, preferring to eat while you play and roam. You definitely keep your mommy and daddy on their toes!
You are learning so quickly! You cuddle with your stuffed animals and your cats, laying your head on them while you reach your arms around to hug. You hug, cuddle, and kiss on demand. You stack the rings of your ring stacker, you put together your MegaBloks, you even are figuring out your shape sorter! You are a master manipulator, running to us and hugging our legs as you bury your face in our knees if we tell you "No." You've even mastered the fake cry, covering your eyes with your hands and making "boo hoo" noises before peering out with a huge grin. This mimicking, while adorable, could be dangerous if we don't watch what we say and do around you!
You babble and make noises almost constantly, but you still are very reserved in using your words. It's been weeks since we heard "night night," you still won't say "bye bye" for mommy and daddy, and you don't seem interested in expanding your vocabulary. But you understand so much! If I don't know where you put your sippy cup, I just have to ask you to bring mommy your milk, and you're off, searching until you find it and then running it back to me with a grin. If I don't want to go get the block you threw during clean-up time, I just ask you to bring it to me, and you do. I don't know how long this obedience thing is going to last, so I'm taking full advantage while I can!
This next month may see your first new teeth in months if any of your molars decide to break through. This weekend will also be your (and our) first trip to the State Fair. And it'll be your first Halloween that we actually dress you up and show you off. But mostly, it'll be another month where I realize just how blessed I am to have you as my son.
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