Usually this is the part where I talk about how quickly the past month has flown by, but to be honest, this month seemed to last forever. Maybe it was because you spent a good part of it sick. Maybe it's because you have been working on your tantrum-throwing skills to the point that you'd put any two-year-old to shame. Whatever the cause, your turning thirteen months seems like forever ago. And yet I still am amazed at how big you've gotten!
After a month of screaming and whining, this past week you've finally remembered you can sign to tell us what you want, even though we've been reminding you all along. You still haven't expanded your vocabulary any more, but you are such a friendly little guy, waving at every passing car and babbling to complete strangers in your own baby language. While you've been screaming a lot this month, you've also been laughing a lot. You laugh whenever anyone else laughs. You laugh when you're excited, be it about a toy, getting cereal, or nursing. You laugh when we tell you you're silly. You laugh for seemingly no reason at all. And you understand so much. You can fetch just about anything we ask for. You point or look at whatever we're talking about. If I ask you if you want to go for a walk, you run to the door. If I ask if you want a snack, you run to the pantry. I just wish you could figure out how to initiate telling us what you want, without screaming, that is!
In addition to seemingly understanding everything, you're also finally eating everything. While you still have definite likes and dislikes, there is no food that I'm afraid you won't be able to handle. Unfortunately, this has turned you into a snack-stealer, "sharing" all the snacks our friends bring at LLL meetings, but thankfully their mommies don't mind and I always bring snacks to share, too. It seems like just yesterday I was lamenting your inability to eat table foods, and now you stuff your face with whatever you can get your hands on.
You've learned some new tricks to get into trouble lately, too. From opening doors to climbing on couches, you are my little daredevil. Thankfully, you've also figured out how to safely get down from couches and beds, as well as how to climb down stairs, but we don't trust you enough to do so unattended yet. Not all your new tricks are mischievous, however. You've also figured out how to do the shape sorter, though it still takes you a little while, and anything rectangular you get your hands on immediately becomes a phone for you to babble into.
While there have been times this month where Mommy was absolutely desperate for a break, you still just bring us so much joy, and we love you so very much! Hopefully this next month will see increased communication, as well as less illness, and we'll be back to the days flying by in no time.
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