Ethan has a more full social calendar than I have had in years. It's as simple (and as pathetic on my end) as that. Since I've been out of school for the summer, we average between 2 and 4 play dates a week, assuming no one is sick. We've hosted several play dates, the goats being the big appeal, but we've also gone to others' houses, parks, churches, etc. It's been a lot of fun, and I've enjoyed getting to know the other moms and babies. Ethan seems to enjoy himself, too, though whether it's the people or the different toys he's most excited about is hard to tell. Rather than try to recap the past few weeks of play dates, I decided to just do a picture post from three recent play dates. The first series of photos came from a play date we hosted with a local group. The second series is from a play date at one of the organizer's of the same group. The third series is from playing next door at the neighbor's house, which we do regularly. With the exception of the last photos, I didn't get permission to share these, so the moms and babies will be "censored" as usual.

Some of the moms and babies with Meg

The neighbor's oldest and another older boy had a lot of fun chasing the goats around the pens. When the goats wouldn't eat some of the produce I had for the kids to feed them, these boys began trying to feed them rocks instead.

The goats loved this mama, and Ethan loves her, too!

"Whatcha got there? That looks fun!"

"Mmm. This ball tastes better than the ones at home!"

Our neighbor captured one of Ethan's many overly-expressive looks here. I'm not sure what he was upset about, but he was glaring at someone/something

Our neighbor has a sweet dog, but Ethan wasn't sure what to think of her the first time he encountered her. A couple of days later (when this picture was taken), he'd made a new friend!

"What? We're busy!" (We were unable to capture the moment Ethan decided to put the ball in the bucket, but it was pretty cute to see them working together!)

All smiles! These boys are 10 days apart and sure to be best friends growing up!
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