I was a bad mom today. Last week, we had to cancel our attendance at a play date at the last minute because Ethan was woken up right after he went down for his afternoon nap and it took me a while to get him back down, to the point that we would have been inexcusably late by the time he woke up. So this week I made sure to get him into bed in plenty of time and made sure everyone was quiet. Except Ethan. He carried on so much, despite two diaper changes, that it took about 30 minutes before he finally went to sleep. If I let him sleep as long as he wanted, we would end up missing the play date again and it was too late for me to change my RSVP, so I did the thing I swore I would never do: I woke a sleeping baby for my own ends.
But before I did, I took the following pictures since I've never gone into his room after he put himself to sleep before, for fear of waking him (sorry for the poor quality, but they were taken with my iPod):
Thankfully, he stirred briefly, and I was able to just keep him from falling back asleep by rubbing his back. He sleepily (and confusedly) looked up at me and grinned and was a happy baby the rest of the day, despite only getting slightly more than an hour's afternoon nap! Oh, and we had a lot of fun at the play date =)
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