What a fun, eventful, and quick month! I can't believe you're already a year-and-a-half. As of tomorrow, you'll be closer to two than one and closer to three than to when you were born! Wow. And yet it's no wonder with all you're doing these days!
Today has been eventful for reasons other than your half birthday, though. For the first 2.5 hours you were awake, you used the potty every single time, including your first poop in the potty! Then, with only a few exceptions, you have told me every time you need to use the potty, even when we were out at the LLL meeting! We didn't always make it in time (about 33-50% actually), but you definitely seem to understand what's going on and are willing to communicate it to me, which still blows my mind! You were so successful today, in fact, that you were in the same diaper from 12 to 5 when you usually go through 3!
Speaking of communication, you are growing more verbal every day. I can't even recount all the new words you've said this month. You've said your first proper names, first your Uncle Nathan ("Na Na") then your sitter Donna. You called each of your grandparents by their preferred name during their visits this month (even though you often called Grandpapa "Gr-mama" just for kicks), and you have been all about your great-grandmother BeBe this past week! Granted, over half of your vocabulary is unintelligible to the outsider, and even Daddy has trouble figuring out what you're trying to say some of the time, but you are letting me know what you want, even if I don't always let you have it. My favorites are still your animal noises, which now include kitty, goat, doggy, duck, pig, horse, cow, sheep, and dinosaur! You are so very smart, Ethan, and I'm constantly impressed by the connections you make.
You're also eating slightly better. I no longer have to make you a separate dinner most nights. You don't eat everything we're eating (most notably you refuse to eat any vegetables other than potatoes and carrots), but you'll usually eat the meat by itself and almost always will when I put the meat in some bread (I can't call it a sandwich, though, since you'll only eat it if I call it a "chicken/turkey/pork ball"). You're definitely still a picky toddler, but I at least feel like you're getting a wider spread of nutrients, even if you don't always eat a lot in quantity.
This next month could see several milestones. For all I know, we could be mostly out of diapers (though I think that's probably at least several months off)! You'll probably have all of your baby teeth except your 2-year-molars since your last molars and canine are coming through now. I'm sure this next month will see new words, new stunts, and new ways to make us marvel at how we could ever have created you. You're such a special little guy, and this past year and a half has been the most amazing time of my life!
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