If you've been looking at recent pictures, you've probably noticed that Ethan is in need of a haircut. Badly. I had contemplated going to get his hair cut this past weekend, but then he woke up burning up on Saturday and by that evening was up to 104.2 degrees, so, since I have a policy of not exposing anyone unnecessarily to my kid's germs, those plans were dashed. ((More on his illness in a future post when I have more time... he's fine; it's just a bad cold)) On Sunday afternoon, he was still feverish but finally had an appetite so I was feeding him lunch. And he kept getting bothered by his hair falling into his eyes. So I finally had had enough and went and got the cuticle scissors we use to trim his nails. ::snip snip snip:: Problem solved. Except that only fixed the front, making his heap of hair elsewhere even more noticeable. Hmmm...
I had always planned on cutting Ethan's hair myself. I just always chickened out and never got around to buying any good scissors. But I resolved to finish the job this time. So last night, while Ethan splashed in the bath, I got to work. It's not perfect, partially because his hair can never make up its mind about how it wants to part so the front ends up uneven half the time, but for a first-time attempt, going solely off of what I've seen barbers do, I think it's pretty decent. And his hair is no longer in his eyes or down to his shirt collar. I definitely need to invest in a good pair of scissors, though, so I can cut more evenly! Judge for yourself:
Before and after shots:

Side view:

Mommy-cut-my-hair!!! face:
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