This post should have happened a month ago. One month ago, exactly, I met my next weight loss goal, my wedding weight. But I didn't have time to blog that night, and the next morning I was .2 above the goal weight so I decided to just wait until the next day or whenever I was back at my goal to blog. And then I got stuck. For the past month, I have yo-yo'ed back and forth between .2 and 1.2 above my next goal. It has been extremely frustrating. And thanks to the craziness of school work, I didn't have a chance to add back workouts or anything else that might help me get off the plateau. It was so frustrating, in fact, that I stopped weighing in.
So imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scale this morning and was .8 lbs. below my wedding weight! I met my goal, even if it was a mere 9 days before my goal time frame instead of 40 days. I honestly have no idea what did it. And now that my school year is wrapping up, I will soon be able to add back some workouts and put some more thought into lunches so maybe I won't get stuck again.
My next goal is 12.3 lbs. away and my time frame is by Ethan's 2nd birthday. So we'll see how it goes!
As far as my other resolutions, I'm still 100% on flossing, and meal-planning has become a crucial part of my weekly routine. It's been so nice to not have to scramble around for dinner, and I look forward to my next dental appointment! As far as the fun projects, I've had a lot of fun playtime with Ethan, but not so much actual projects or doing anything on my own. Most of my baby-free time has been spent doing school work or cleaning, so I'm hopeful I'll get back on track with this resolution now that the semester is over. I have several projects I'd like to complete; it's just about having the time to do them!
Speaking of schoolwork, I need to get back to my second-to-last paper, but I figured I should go ahead and blog about this in case I'm back up tomorrow and have to wait a whole additional month to update!
How are you keeping your resolutions? Do you even remember what they were?
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Who Needs Good Fences...
... when you already have great neighbors!
I posted before about how amazing our neighborhood is and specifically about our next-door neighbors who have two boys, one almost exactly two years older than Ethan and another 10 days younger than Ethan. We didn't see much of one another for several months during the winter, but now that things have warmed up, we're playing together at least every other day during the week (basically, almost every afternoon I don't have class). Ethan asks for them (multiple times) every day, and if he hears them outside, he's halfway down the driveway before I can grab him. He's especially obsessed with Nathan, the older one, and Ethan follows him around everywhere, insisting on playing with whatever he's playing with. There are some times, though, when Ethan gets to teach Nathan something, despite his young age. Nathan received a ride-on John Deere tractor for some special occasion, but he's been too afraid to ride it. Enter Ethan. After a week or so of Ethan having all the fun while Nathan rode shot-gun, he finally agreed to try it out! Unfortunately, Ethan isn't as thrilled about being a passenger, but it's all part of learning he can't always get what he wants. Here are some pictures our neighbor took of Ethan racing around, as well as a picture from all seven of us hanging out this past weekend and a picture of the three boys together from yesterday (for which Ethan refused to smile):

I posted before about how amazing our neighborhood is and specifically about our next-door neighbors who have two boys, one almost exactly two years older than Ethan and another 10 days younger than Ethan. We didn't see much of one another for several months during the winter, but now that things have warmed up, we're playing together at least every other day during the week (basically, almost every afternoon I don't have class). Ethan asks for them (multiple times) every day, and if he hears them outside, he's halfway down the driveway before I can grab him. He's especially obsessed with Nathan, the older one, and Ethan follows him around everywhere, insisting on playing with whatever he's playing with. There are some times, though, when Ethan gets to teach Nathan something, despite his young age. Nathan received a ride-on John Deere tractor for some special occasion, but he's been too afraid to ride it. Enter Ethan. After a week or so of Ethan having all the fun while Nathan rode shot-gun, he finally agreed to try it out! Unfortunately, Ethan isn't as thrilled about being a passenger, but it's all part of learning he can't always get what he wants. Here are some pictures our neighbor took of Ethan racing around, as well as a picture from all seven of us hanging out this past weekend and a picture of the three boys together from yesterday (for which Ethan refused to smile):

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Last Day of Class
It seems like only yesterday I was asking God for a sign I shouldn't leave Ethan (and ended up getting a flat tire), yet here I am, about 8 months later, done with my last class of the semester. I picked up my glass prayer cross from the chaplain's office. I submitted my senior portfolio. I picked up my div. school stress ball from the Office of Student Life. In less than a month, I'll be being hooded while family and friends look on. Four months from now, I'll start my last class of grad school, and in less than 8 months, I'll have my degree. Wow.
I was worried last August about being away from Ethan for 10 hours a week. How will he survive? How will I? Now I'm almost worried about being home for the next four months. No breaks? Little adult interaction? How will I survive? How will he? =P In all seriousness, while I'm looking forward to being done with papers and reading and focusing instead on play dates and parks, the brief respites class provided from motherhood were much more enjoyable than I had anticipated, and I can't say I won't miss them a bit.
And Ethan did just fine with my being gone. He liked his first sitter and absolutely adores his current one. That's not to say he didn't have times of missing his mommy, though. Oddly, this week, in particular, he's been upset to wake up and see Donna instead of me. He usually wakes up calling for Mama, and today he just cried Mama over and over again when Donna walked in, so she told him to let her know when he was ready to play with her instead. About a minute later, he called out, "Donna?" =)
I was also a bit nervous this semester about being back full time, but it's gone just fine. Since I have the "need-to-do" and "should-do" distinction down pretty well when it comes to reading, I read what I needed or really, really wanted to, and the rest just went by the wayside. And despite taking at least two of my classes pass-fail, I have an A in one, and an A-/B+ in the other (my directed study only has a final paper, and I haven't even written it yet, so no clue on my grade in there). Not too shabby!
I have two papers left to write, and then summer truly begins! Maybe I'll actually get back in the habit of blogging now!
I was worried last August about being away from Ethan for 10 hours a week. How will he survive? How will I? Now I'm almost worried about being home for the next four months. No breaks? Little adult interaction? How will I survive? How will he? =P In all seriousness, while I'm looking forward to being done with papers and reading and focusing instead on play dates and parks, the brief respites class provided from motherhood were much more enjoyable than I had anticipated, and I can't say I won't miss them a bit.
And Ethan did just fine with my being gone. He liked his first sitter and absolutely adores his current one. That's not to say he didn't have times of missing his mommy, though. Oddly, this week, in particular, he's been upset to wake up and see Donna instead of me. He usually wakes up calling for Mama, and today he just cried Mama over and over again when Donna walked in, so she told him to let her know when he was ready to play with her instead. About a minute later, he called out, "Donna?" =)
I was also a bit nervous this semester about being back full time, but it's gone just fine. Since I have the "need-to-do" and "should-do" distinction down pretty well when it comes to reading, I read what I needed or really, really wanted to, and the rest just went by the wayside. And despite taking at least two of my classes pass-fail, I have an A in one, and an A-/B+ in the other (my directed study only has a final paper, and I haven't even written it yet, so no clue on my grade in there). Not too shabby!
I have two papers left to write, and then summer truly begins! Maybe I'll actually get back in the habit of blogging now!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
At least he's cute...
We've known for months that Ethan understands basically everything, but his behavior from last night just proves it (with adorable results). As soon as I put him in his crib last night, he pointed to the ground and said "Mama?" I told him, "Why don't you try to go to sleep on your own first, and if you can't do it, I will come in and lie down with you, OK?" He sort of begrudgingly nodded but didn't try to fuss or throw Puppy or anything. I watched him on Baby TV, and he stood in the corner of his crib for a while whispering "Mama? Maaamaaaa..." but he never cried or whined. After a few minutes, he threw Puppy onto the crib mattress, laid down on top of him, and went to sleep!
Around 4:30 this morning, I awoke to "Augh!!! Auuuugggghhhh!!!! MAMA!!! MAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" Since he only sees two boobs if I go in in the middle of the night, Daddy went in to check on him. After a new diaper, he put Ethan back in his crib and laid down next to him. Ethan immediately laid down. The first time he tried to get up, Ethan sprang up and wailed. He told Ethan to lay back down, and Ethan whined "NOOOOOooooOOOO!!!" I laughed in spite of myself listening to it on the monitor. They both laid back down. The next time he got up, Ethan started to protest, but he told Ethan "Daddy needs to go potty." Immediately, Ethan laid back down as if to say "Oh, OK. I understand." And that was that! He went back to sleep and slept until after 7!!!
Since we had a more restful night, we went out for breakfast this morning and then headed to the farmer's market. Ethan had so much fun running around and trying samples. He eagerly took bites of a strawberry (only to spit it all out when he got too much), took a try of some cinnamon roll, and went nuts over some raw carrots. I know they're a choking hazard, but he just took little nibbles off of mine. Well, until he tried to reach into the container of samples and take two huge circles for himself! I'm glad there's at least one vegetable he'll eat!
Now he's having playtime with Daddy while I try to get these papers written. At least I got some sleep last night!
Around 4:30 this morning, I awoke to "Augh!!! Auuuugggghhhh!!!! MAMA!!! MAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" Since he only sees two boobs if I go in in the middle of the night, Daddy went in to check on him. After a new diaper, he put Ethan back in his crib and laid down next to him. Ethan immediately laid down. The first time he tried to get up, Ethan sprang up and wailed. He told Ethan to lay back down, and Ethan whined "NOOOOOooooOOOO!!!" I laughed in spite of myself listening to it on the monitor. They both laid back down. The next time he got up, Ethan started to protest, but he told Ethan "Daddy needs to go potty." Immediately, Ethan laid back down as if to say "Oh, OK. I understand." And that was that! He went back to sleep and slept until after 7!!!
Since we had a more restful night, we went out for breakfast this morning and then headed to the farmer's market. Ethan had so much fun running around and trying samples. He eagerly took bites of a strawberry (only to spit it all out when he got too much), took a try of some cinnamon roll, and went nuts over some raw carrots. I know they're a choking hazard, but he just took little nibbles off of mine. Well, until he tried to reach into the container of samples and take two huge circles for himself! I'm glad there's at least one vegetable he'll eat!
Now he's having playtime with Daddy while I try to get these papers written. At least I got some sleep last night!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Nineteen Months
Dear Ethan,
It figures that the worst of the 18 month sleep regression would hit just as you're turning 19 months! You've been quite a mischief this month, but you've also been so much fun!
You are becoming a little parrot. Your speech is still very much toddler-ese, but I can understand what you're saying, and you love to repeat what you hear. From "maime" (maybe) to "mimi" (music) to "dageet" (dangit), you let us know you've been listening! You have developed quite a close friendship in this past month with our neighbors, and you typically wake up from your afternoon nap demanding "Naynee" (Nathan) and "Bam" (Pam). Poor Luke is still left out of your vocabulary, but maybe you'll figure it out in this next month because I'm sure there will be hours more of playing together.
In other developments, you have definitely figure out how to walk down stairs by yourself, as discovered last night when Daddy left the gate open and Mommy found herself bombarded by a rogue toddler who was supposed to be upstairs. I still prefer to have a hand in yours, or at least be within grabbing distance, but it's pretty impressive nonetheless! Your potty "training" is still going. We definitely haven't ditched the diapers yet, but you will still use the potty at least several times a day. Some days are better than others, but it's a process! No matter how you do the rest of the day, you almost always do best when we're out of the house, which is not what I would have expected at all.
A final, and very exciting, development has occurred just in the past week. Since a new Aldi opened up a couple of weeks ago, I took you to check it out. I needed to spend $30 to get $5 off so I decided to purchase some plums since I like them and hadn't had any in a while. Later that day, I got a plum for a snack, and you immediately began motioning for some. I offered it, but you grinned and pushed it away. After several rounds of this dance, you finally put your mouth on it. And soon you took a bite. And before I knew it, you had eaten my entire plum! Since then, you've snacked on bits of plum every day, but I wasn't sure if it was just plums or if you would eat other fresh fruit as well. This morning, we were at our neighbors' for a playdate, and she offered you a cup of apple slices. And you ate them all!!! It's probably sad how proud I was of you, but I'm just so excited you're finally potentially over some of your texture aversions. You snacked on plum slices the rest of the day, and I'm anxious to try out some more fruits to see just how far you've come! Dare I hope this might also extend to some vegetables???
This next month should hold some more excitement. You'll definitely get the last of your teeth (except the 2 year molars) since you final molar is almost breaking through and you have all the rest of them. Next week will hold your last time with Miss Donna since it will be Mommy's last day of class of the semester. And a month from yesterday, you will have a very late night as you join us to watch Mommy graduate from grad school!!! That will probably be much more exciting for Mommy than for you, but I know you'll enjoy having both sets of grandparents and three great-grandparents there to play with!
I can't believe you'll be twenty months in just 30 days. If it's possible, the second year flies by even quicker than the first! But you will always be my sweet baby, no matter how rebellious and mischievous you become!
It figures that the worst of the 18 month sleep regression would hit just as you're turning 19 months! You've been quite a mischief this month, but you've also been so much fun!
You are becoming a little parrot. Your speech is still very much toddler-ese, but I can understand what you're saying, and you love to repeat what you hear. From "maime" (maybe) to "mimi" (music) to "dageet" (dangit), you let us know you've been listening! You have developed quite a close friendship in this past month with our neighbors, and you typically wake up from your afternoon nap demanding "Naynee" (Nathan) and "Bam" (Pam). Poor Luke is still left out of your vocabulary, but maybe you'll figure it out in this next month because I'm sure there will be hours more of playing together.
In other developments, you have definitely figure out how to walk down stairs by yourself, as discovered last night when Daddy left the gate open and Mommy found herself bombarded by a rogue toddler who was supposed to be upstairs. I still prefer to have a hand in yours, or at least be within grabbing distance, but it's pretty impressive nonetheless! Your potty "training" is still going. We definitely haven't ditched the diapers yet, but you will still use the potty at least several times a day. Some days are better than others, but it's a process! No matter how you do the rest of the day, you almost always do best when we're out of the house, which is not what I would have expected at all.
A final, and very exciting, development has occurred just in the past week. Since a new Aldi opened up a couple of weeks ago, I took you to check it out. I needed to spend $30 to get $5 off so I decided to purchase some plums since I like them and hadn't had any in a while. Later that day, I got a plum for a snack, and you immediately began motioning for some. I offered it, but you grinned and pushed it away. After several rounds of this dance, you finally put your mouth on it. And soon you took a bite. And before I knew it, you had eaten my entire plum! Since then, you've snacked on bits of plum every day, but I wasn't sure if it was just plums or if you would eat other fresh fruit as well. This morning, we were at our neighbors' for a playdate, and she offered you a cup of apple slices. And you ate them all!!! It's probably sad how proud I was of you, but I'm just so excited you're finally potentially over some of your texture aversions. You snacked on plum slices the rest of the day, and I'm anxious to try out some more fruits to see just how far you've come! Dare I hope this might also extend to some vegetables???
This next month should hold some more excitement. You'll definitely get the last of your teeth (except the 2 year molars) since you final molar is almost breaking through and you have all the rest of them. Next week will hold your last time with Miss Donna since it will be Mommy's last day of class of the semester. And a month from yesterday, you will have a very late night as you join us to watch Mommy graduate from grad school!!! That will probably be much more exciting for Mommy than for you, but I know you'll enjoy having both sets of grandparents and three great-grandparents there to play with!
I can't believe you'll be twenty months in just 30 days. If it's possible, the second year flies by even quicker than the first! But you will always be my sweet baby, no matter how rebellious and mischievous you become!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
A Bad Case of the "No"s
The title describes Ethan of late. He's still his fun, energetic, loveable self, but he has developed an awful case of "No" syndrome. Thankfully, his "No!" is still very sweet and adorable, not the shrieking protest I had expected of this phase. But it has become his usual response to everything.
"Ethan, do you want to go downstairs?" "Nooo"
"Ethan, do you want some apple?" "Noooo"
"Ethan, can you drink some more milk?" "(while drinking said milk) Noooo"
Couple this with a new streak of mischief (pouring the cats' food into their water every time my back is turned, switching off the power strip connected to the computer, pulling dishes out of the dishwasher or turning it on unnecessarily) and his recent refusal to go to sleep at night without a fight, and you can imagine it's been an interesting week in the Marks' household of late.
But we do have plenty of moments of fun. This morning, since it was too cold to go outside, we sat upstairs in the playroom, and Ethan pulled out all of his cars to play with on the train table. He was being absolutely adorable, pushing them around and making engine noises. So I decided to grab the camcorder and get some video. And this is what I got:
After that video, I gave him a few minutes, and he resumed some of his car play, though it wasn't nearly as adorable as he was being earlier. Most of the following video follows his trials and tribulations in reattaching the semi-truck to its car carrier:
Here's hoping Ethan's bad case of the "No"s is short-lived or at least continues to be of the adorable rather than the obnoxious variety!
"Ethan, do you want to go downstairs?" "Nooo"
"Ethan, do you want some apple?" "Noooo"
"Ethan, can you drink some more milk?" "(while drinking said milk) Noooo"
Couple this with a new streak of mischief (pouring the cats' food into their water every time my back is turned, switching off the power strip connected to the computer, pulling dishes out of the dishwasher or turning it on unnecessarily) and his recent refusal to go to sleep at night without a fight, and you can imagine it's been an interesting week in the Marks' household of late.
But we do have plenty of moments of fun. This morning, since it was too cold to go outside, we sat upstairs in the playroom, and Ethan pulled out all of his cars to play with on the train table. He was being absolutely adorable, pushing them around and making engine noises. So I decided to grab the camcorder and get some video. And this is what I got:
After that video, I gave him a few minutes, and he resumed some of his car play, though it wasn't nearly as adorable as he was being earlier. Most of the following video follows his trials and tribulations in reattaching the semi-truck to its car carrier:
Here's hoping Ethan's bad case of the "No"s is short-lived or at least continues to be of the adorable rather than the obnoxious variety!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter: Then and Now
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Egg Hunts and Nap Times and Birthday Dinners, Oh My!
It's been an eventful day! This morning was our church's Easter egg hunt. Ethan is technically 6 months too young, but I emailed the organizer and asked if he might be allowed to attend anyway, and they welcomed him to join in on the fun! I guess as penance for this, I got asked to lead the group in an opening prayer, but after that I just got to be mommy as we followed him out to the playground for his age group's hunt. As soon as we got in, he headed for the picnic table and climbed up on the bench. And wouldn't you know it, there were eggs up there! He grabbed every last one to put in his basket and hopped down to get the ones underneath as well.

After he got all of the eggs in the immediate vicinity of the picnic table, he began to wander. First he hid his own basket under the picnic table for safe keeping. And then he spotted this basket just FULL of eggs. Of course, it belonged to another child, but that didn't stop him from crouching down to look in. I managed to get to him before he actually grabbed an egg, thankfully, but he spent most of the rest of the hunt period trying to poach eggs from other kids.

I finally got him to sit back at the picnic table and examine his own loot. Once I got him to agree to retrieve his basket (every time I picked it up, he said "No" and put it back down!), he was quite excited to discover they were full of candy. Of course, none of it was anything he could eat, but it was still fun.

After the actual hunt, we went to a station where he made a jelly-beans-for-Jesus themed bracelet and to a station where he decorated a cookie. The final station was another craft, but he had about reached his limit, and it almost certainly would have been beyond his ability anyway, so we decided to head on home. Daddy and Ethan dropped me off at home to work on one of my sermons for school while they ran errands, and on their way home, Ethan fell asleep. Despite all attempts to wake him up, it was apparently futile, so he got about a 5 minute nap in the car. He woke up to come inside, nurse, and eat lunch, and then it was time for him to actually take a nap.
Two hours later, he finally did. Apparently, he thought that 5 minute nap was just enough, thanks. Except that I knew he'd be a cranky mess without a real nap, not to mention I had way too much work to do. Thankfully, he didn't cry much in his crib, but he was standing up in the corner, babbling, and then running from one end of the crib to the other, laughing. After about 1.5 hours, he did start to actually cry, so I went in to try to soothe him. By this point, I was about to give up on him getting a nap, so I decided to just offer him to nurse. And after a couple of minutes, he was out. I gingerly moved him to my shoulder and rocked him for about 10 minutes while I debated my next move. If I tried to put him down in his crib, he'd almost certainly wake up. If I took him out, I'd be unable to type while holding him. I could try to transfer him to the couch or to Daddy, but he might not sleep as long that way. Finally, I decided to risk a crib transfer since, if successful, that would have the most long-term success, and, if not, I could hopefully nurse him back down. He stirred just as I put him in, but he cuddled in to puppy and went right back to sleep! My first successful arms-to-crib transfer in 13 months!!! And then he slept for about 2.5 hours, so while it definitely got off to a rough start, it ended up being a fine nap indeed.
As soon as he woke up (just before 5), we raced down to the mall so I could try to find a suit for preaching and other events in the coming months since my only current suit is way too big. After some looking, I found a gorgeous one that I feel fantastic in, so I was quite pleased! And we capped off the eventful day with an early birthday celebration at one of my favorite restaurants.
All in all, it was a fantastic day full of fun memories! Now if I could just finish this last sermon, I'd be set!

After he got all of the eggs in the immediate vicinity of the picnic table, he began to wander. First he hid his own basket under the picnic table for safe keeping. And then he spotted this basket just FULL of eggs. Of course, it belonged to another child, but that didn't stop him from crouching down to look in. I managed to get to him before he actually grabbed an egg, thankfully, but he spent most of the rest of the hunt period trying to poach eggs from other kids.
I finally got him to sit back at the picnic table and examine his own loot. Once I got him to agree to retrieve his basket (every time I picked it up, he said "No" and put it back down!), he was quite excited to discover they were full of candy. Of course, none of it was anything he could eat, but it was still fun.
After the actual hunt, we went to a station where he made a jelly-beans-for-Jesus themed bracelet and to a station where he decorated a cookie. The final station was another craft, but he had about reached his limit, and it almost certainly would have been beyond his ability anyway, so we decided to head on home. Daddy and Ethan dropped me off at home to work on one of my sermons for school while they ran errands, and on their way home, Ethan fell asleep. Despite all attempts to wake him up, it was apparently futile, so he got about a 5 minute nap in the car. He woke up to come inside, nurse, and eat lunch, and then it was time for him to actually take a nap.
Two hours later, he finally did. Apparently, he thought that 5 minute nap was just enough, thanks. Except that I knew he'd be a cranky mess without a real nap, not to mention I had way too much work to do. Thankfully, he didn't cry much in his crib, but he was standing up in the corner, babbling, and then running from one end of the crib to the other, laughing. After about 1.5 hours, he did start to actually cry, so I went in to try to soothe him. By this point, I was about to give up on him getting a nap, so I decided to just offer him to nurse. And after a couple of minutes, he was out. I gingerly moved him to my shoulder and rocked him for about 10 minutes while I debated my next move. If I tried to put him down in his crib, he'd almost certainly wake up. If I took him out, I'd be unable to type while holding him. I could try to transfer him to the couch or to Daddy, but he might not sleep as long that way. Finally, I decided to risk a crib transfer since, if successful, that would have the most long-term success, and, if not, I could hopefully nurse him back down. He stirred just as I put him in, but he cuddled in to puppy and went right back to sleep! My first successful arms-to-crib transfer in 13 months!!! And then he slept for about 2.5 hours, so while it definitely got off to a rough start, it ended up being a fine nap indeed.
As soon as he woke up (just before 5), we raced down to the mall so I could try to find a suit for preaching and other events in the coming months since my only current suit is way too big. After some looking, I found a gorgeous one that I feel fantastic in, so I was quite pleased! And we capped off the eventful day with an early birthday celebration at one of my favorite restaurants.
All in all, it was a fantastic day full of fun memories! Now if I could just finish this last sermon, I'd be set!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
A Week of Sensory Play
I've been pretty silent here lately. Nothing big has been going on; I'm just at the height of my semester's business. I have two sermons due Monday (one of which I'll be preaching in class), which also happens to be my birthday and the day after Easter, which means this weekend will be busy enough as it is. Add that to the usual book-a-week for one of my courses, an additional paper due on the 16th (haven't even started that book yet), my senior portfolio, and just getting to class and back, and maybe you can see why school has been keeping me too busy to blog. As a result, this will essentially just be a huge picture post of some of our fun this week.
On Monday, I finally gave into Ethan's continued begging to play with "roe" (rice). I hate getting out the rice because it's such a pain to clean up. And sure enough, he spent a good deal of time shaking the grains of rice off his hands, sending them flying. It was also a short-lived activity because he continued to dump handfuls out of the bin, despite my warnings, so he only played with it for about 15 minutes. On Tuesday, I was preparing to make the grocery list and spotted a box of pudding mix. So I got out a big bowl, had Ethan help me with the pouring and mixing, stripped him down to a diaper, and just let him have at it. He painted the table, he painted himself, and he eventually asked for a spoon because apparently it was improper to eat it off his fingers =) That, too, became a paintbrush after he'd had his fill. This lasted about 45 minutes. Then this afternoon I was trying to find something to console Ethan since our neighbors weren't outside playing (he adores playing with them!). I got out the wet sensory bin, a thing of Dollar Tree shaving cream, and some neon food coloring (gotten for free thanks to coupons!). These pictures were taken with my iPod since I was afraid to bring out my nice camera for this activity. I also had the foresight to change him into an outfit I got at the thrift store for messy craft purposes. And boy did he make a mess! He LOVED spraying the shaving cream into the bin, and once I introduced the food coloring, well it was even better! Now I just have to hope the food coloring comes off his fingers before his Easter egg hunt on Saturday...

On Monday, I finally gave into Ethan's continued begging to play with "roe" (rice). I hate getting out the rice because it's such a pain to clean up. And sure enough, he spent a good deal of time shaking the grains of rice off his hands, sending them flying. It was also a short-lived activity because he continued to dump handfuls out of the bin, despite my warnings, so he only played with it for about 15 minutes. On Tuesday, I was preparing to make the grocery list and spotted a box of pudding mix. So I got out a big bowl, had Ethan help me with the pouring and mixing, stripped him down to a diaper, and just let him have at it. He painted the table, he painted himself, and he eventually asked for a spoon because apparently it was improper to eat it off his fingers =) That, too, became a paintbrush after he'd had his fill. This lasted about 45 minutes. Then this afternoon I was trying to find something to console Ethan since our neighbors weren't outside playing (he adores playing with them!). I got out the wet sensory bin, a thing of Dollar Tree shaving cream, and some neon food coloring (gotten for free thanks to coupons!). These pictures were taken with my iPod since I was afraid to bring out my nice camera for this activity. I also had the foresight to change him into an outfit I got at the thrift store for messy craft purposes. And boy did he make a mess! He LOVED spraying the shaving cream into the bin, and once I introduced the food coloring, well it was even better! Now I just have to hope the food coloring comes off his fingers before his Easter egg hunt on Saturday...

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