Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Bad Case of the "No"s

The title describes Ethan of late. He's still his fun, energetic, loveable self, but he has developed an awful case of "No" syndrome. Thankfully, his "No!" is still very sweet and adorable, not the shrieking protest I had expected of this phase. But it has become his usual response to everything.

"Ethan, do you want to go downstairs?" "Nooo"
"Ethan, do you want some apple?" "Noooo"
"Ethan, can you drink some more milk?" "(while drinking said milk) Noooo"

Couple this with a new streak of mischief (pouring the cats' food into their water every time my back is turned, switching off the power strip connected to the computer, pulling dishes out of the dishwasher or turning it on unnecessarily) and his recent refusal to go to sleep at night without a fight, and you can imagine it's been an interesting week in the Marks' household of late.

But we do have plenty of moments of fun. This morning, since it was too cold to go outside, we sat upstairs in the playroom, and Ethan pulled out all of his cars to play with on the train table. He was being absolutely adorable, pushing them around and making engine noises. So I decided to grab the camcorder and get some video. And this is what I got:

After that video, I gave him a few minutes, and he resumed some of his car play, though it wasn't nearly as adorable as he was being earlier. Most of the following video follows his trials and tribulations in reattaching the semi-truck to its car carrier:

Here's hoping Ethan's bad case of the "No"s is short-lived or at least continues to be of the adorable rather than the obnoxious variety!

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