On Monday, I finally gave into Ethan's continued begging to play with "roe" (rice). I hate getting out the rice because it's such a pain to clean up. And sure enough, he spent a good deal of time shaking the grains of rice off his hands, sending them flying. It was also a short-lived activity because he continued to dump handfuls out of the bin, despite my warnings, so he only played with it for about 15 minutes. On Tuesday, I was preparing to make the grocery list and spotted a box of pudding mix. So I got out a big bowl, had Ethan help me with the pouring and mixing, stripped him down to a diaper, and just let him have at it. He painted the table, he painted himself, and he eventually asked for a spoon because apparently it was improper to eat it off his fingers =) That, too, became a paintbrush after he'd had his fill. This lasted about 45 minutes. Then this afternoon I was trying to find something to console Ethan since our neighbors weren't outside playing (he adores playing with them!). I got out the wet sensory bin, a thing of Dollar Tree shaving cream, and some neon food coloring (gotten for free thanks to coupons!). These pictures were taken with my iPod since I was afraid to bring out my nice camera for this activity. I also had the foresight to change him into an outfit I got at the thrift store for messy craft purposes. And boy did he make a mess! He LOVED spraying the shaving cream into the bin, and once I introduced the food coloring, well it was even better! Now I just have to hope the food coloring comes off his fingers before his Easter egg hunt on Saturday...

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