Saturday, October 12, 2013

Two Months

Dear Wesley,

How in the world are you already two months old?!?!? You are becoming more and more alert and interactive, grinning from ear to ear during diaper changes, when Mommy plays with your feet, when Daddy makes funny noises, etc. You'd still rather be nursing than about anything else, but you're content to hang out in your bouncer or on your activity mat while Mommy cooks, sews, and cleans. This makes for a happier time for everyone, and you still get to be with Mommy 23/7 on average!

You are still our little bitty guy. You've grown another inch but are still gaining slowly. You're definitely gaining and your diapers are still textbook so hopefully the doctor will help us figure it out on Monday, whether this is just how you grow or if we need to dig a little deeper. I wish you wouldn't make us worry so much, but I guess it's practice for the teenage years again.

The next month will see our biggest transition yet as I prepare to go back to work days before you turn three months. Don't worry, though! Mommy will still be with you all the time. We'll just spend more time in the car and get to know Mommy's coworkers a few days a week!

So for now I'm just savoring these last few days where you and your big brother are my only job. I hope you enjoy them, too!
