Thursday, December 16, 2010

Baby Talk

Ethan loves to talk. OK, so it's more babble, but it's no less adorable. He talks when he's happy. He talks when I'm talking. He talks when he's trying to go to sleep (this is perhaps the cutest of all). His vocabulary mostly consists of "AH-goo!" "Goo!" "Ach!" and random noises punctuated by blowing raspberries. This morning, he (finally) added giggling to his repertoire.

I read somewhere that you should repeat baby babbles back so that they understand how conversation works so I usually match him "Goo" for "Goo." Normally no one but Calvin is around to hear my baby talk, but this habit led to a fun scene on Tuesday morning. I was in the middle of a conversation with our pastor about membership, baptism, preaching, and the Christmas Eve services. Ethan was bundled up in my arms, grinning at me and babbling constantly. A few minutes into our conversation, I realized the pastor was trying to keep his amusement from showing on his face because my half of the conversation went something like this: "I'll have to look AH-goo at the lectionary and get back to you." "Were you GOO! thinking more along the lines of a scripture reading or a reinterpretation? Goo-AH!"

It's good to be a mom.

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