Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Twenty-One Months

Dear Ethan,

In three short months, you will turn 2. Mind-boggling. And yet you've changed so much just in the past month. Most notably, you have become so much more talkative and are constantly narrating the world around you. I tried the other day to count up the words you know and eventually gave up after I hit 50. Any fears I might have had about you being slow to talk are long gone. You're up to 3 word sentences now, and I'm constantly amazed (and amused) by the things that come out of your mouth ("daddy truck poop" anyone?).

So many of the peculiarities of infanthood and even young toddlerhood seem so long ago. It was just recently that you refused any fresh fruits and vegetables but now you chow down on just about anything. You love carrots and green beans the most, raw or cooked, and you go nuts over sliced apple. I'm finally enjoying meals with you instead of it seeming like just another chore.

You are such a delight, Ethan, and I genuinely enjoy our play together. Even when you have gotten on my last nerve refusing to mind and getting into mischief, you just look up at me with that grin and it's all I can do to keep a straight face. You are considerate and empathetic beyond your years, and you love your family and friends so fiercely. I'm constantly in awe of the little boy you are becoming and I can't wait to watch you grow into the man you will be. Until then, I'll continue to savor these countless sweet moments.


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