Friday, September 14, 2012

Toddler Bed

As I wrote last night, we transitioned Ethan to a toddler bed. He had been attempting to climb out periodically when throwing tantrums at bedtime, though he never actually made it over the rail, so we knew the transition was coming. He has had an awful chest cold/bronchitis this week, so I brought him into bed with us on Tuesday night and gave him a pillow to keep his head elevated. He thought this was amazing, so on Wednesday night, he asked for a pillow again. However, he did NOT want it in his crib and insisted on lying down on the floor with it. Thursday's nap was the same story, so we made the decision to go ahead and convert his crib that night.

I worried that Ethan would freak out about the change since he pitched a fit the last time we lowered his crib mattress. However, he excitedly climbed all over everything, helping Daddy use the drill and playing with the Allen wrench.  After our usual bedtime routine, I kissed him goodnight, and he pointed to the floor and said, "Pillow right here!" I told him he needed to stay in bed, but he was already off and dragging his pillow onto the ground. Since he was happy, I decided not to push it, and he joyfully told me "bye bye" and went right to sleep without a fight (rare for him these days since he usually wants to go potty 3 times and then begs you to lie on the ground next to him).

The next morning, I woke up and checked the monitor only to see the following scene. Can you find the toddler?

This afternoon, he happily napped on the floor once again, so I figured we were going to have a floor-sleeper on our hands, but at least he wasn't trying to escape or throw fits. Then tonight happened. He begged me to lie down with him, and I did for a minute, but when I got up, he began to cry. A minute later, I heard the doorknob turn, and when I told him he needed to go back to bed, he grinned and said, "Need go potty?" After a potty run, I put him back in his room, and he immediately began to cry. I stood at the door while he kept trying to open it. Finally, Daddy had to go in and talk to him, and when he left, Ethan just sat on the edge of his bed and wailed. One more visit of reassurance from Daddy, and Ethan finally laid down in his toddler bed. And, for the first time, he actually fell asleep In the bed instead of on the floor!

I'm not sure whether to count tonight as a win or not, but at least the toddler bed transition is going better than I had feared. Hopefully, a week from now this will all be old hat, and he'll be happily sleeping in his toddler bed every night!

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