Friday, January 14, 2011

Four month appointment

Ethan is thriving! That feels so good to type! He has lost some weight this week due to his cold, so he's not quite as awesome as I'd hoped, but he's still doing fantastically! Here are the stats:

Length - 24" (still at the 25th percentile)
Weight - 12 lbs. 12 oz.* (moved up from 5th percentile to 10th-25th percentile)
Head Circumference - 42.5 cm. (moved up from 25th percentile to 50th-75th percentile)

* He's been weighing 13 lbs. 2-5 oz. post-feeding at home, so I'm chalking this difference up to different scales and possibly the cold making him lose some weight

He was all smiles when we got there, flirting with all of the staff and other patients and parents. When we were waiting for the doctor in the exam room, I was playing with him and he began laughing a lot, complete with squeals, belly laughs, giggles, the full gamut. A nurse even peeked her head in to see what in the world was making him so excited! He remained happy during the exam, flirting with the doctor and showing off his new skills. He got a little fussy while we were waiting for the nurse with his shots because by this point he was ready for a nap. And oh did he scream with the vaccines! Again, I don't get why parents cry over it, but you do feel bad for the little guy. I nursed him afterwards until he seemed like he was going to try to go to sleep nursing, and then he got upset at having the boob taken away, but he was back to smiles once we got back around other people to flirt with in the waiting room. He fussed briefly at home but went to sleep pretty quickly and has been napping for almost an hour so far. All in all, it was a great visit, and hopefully he won't be too bothered by the shots this time.

I still have one more project to finish before I can get to some belated blog posts, but as a reminder to myself, look for upcoming posts about Christmas (complete with pictures!), developmental milestones (he's got busy hands), and going back to school.

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