Saturday, March 17, 2012

Eighteen Month Appointment

I'm a day late with this, but last night Ethan was still up 40 minutes after his usual bedtime because he kept INSISTING he had to go potty, even after he finally peed. As a result, I didn't have enough time to sit down and summarize the pediatrician visit, which thankfully was a very good one! We'll start, as usual, with the stats:

Length: 32.25" (50th percentile) - I'm not entirely sure about this measurement because I'm almost positive he's grown more than 1/4" in the past three months. But whatever.
Weight: 23 lbs. 7 oz (20th-25th percentile)
Head Circumference: 49 cm (75th percentile)

So he is more average for height if that measurement is correct, he's hovering around the same percentile as usual for weight, and he's gone up slightly in percentile for head circumference. Must be all that learnin' he's doing!

His chest and ears were clear, which was my only concern after that awful cold. The doctor said as long as he's acting normally, I don't need to worry about his high fevers, so it was nice to hear that from a doctor. Speaking of the doctor, I could not love this practice more. Not only was there no wait on a Friday, he is just such a friendly person. He spent most of the appointment tickling Ethan under his chin, talking about how cute he is, and genuinely acting interested in what he was doing. Ethan absolutely adores him and doesn't mind the examination at all. And since there was no wait, I didn't have a chance to finish filling out the developmental profile in the waiting room, so the doctor actually got Ethan dressed for me while I finished it! Talk about a good bedside manner!

His developmental profile was well above average yet again, and obviously the autism screen was negative. It amused me that in the "What your child should be doing at this age" packet they give at every well-child check, it specifically says "At 18 months, most toddlers are not yet showing signs that they are ready for toilet training." Ha. Once again today, Ethan only had two wet diapers (one while he was in the car and one while he was eating lunch), which is especially notable considering he was in the car for probably 3 hours today and out of the house for 6. He used public potties 4 times today and even was able to hold it for a couple of miles while we drove to the nearest restaurant. I remain incredibly impressed by him!

The only other thing of note from his appointment was that he was supposed to receive his last Hep. A vaccine. When I made the appointment, I specifically checked with the nurse to make sure there was no issue with spacing for his shots, and she assured me he was fine. Well, he was 3 days too early. SO that just means he will get it at his 2 year appointment, which was supposed to be shot-free, so it's annoying but fine since his 18 mo. appointment ended up being shot-free instead. Then no more shots until he's 5!

We went straight from the doctor to the library for our weekly trip, where he flirted with two little girls and their nanny. He seriously had that nanny wrapped around his finger, reading him books and giving him hugs! All in all, a great morning!

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