Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Look Who's Talking

After his first official word, Ethan slowed down a bit on the talking. He still babbles and says Mama and Dada all day long, but he hasn't said "Ba" for ball or "Boo" for book in a while, and he even stopped saying "Ditty" as much, preferring instead a squeal of glee upon encountering a cat. However, last weekend, he finally figured out the "K" in order to say kitty correctly. But that doesn't really count as a new word, so he's been stuck with the same vocabulary for a few weeks now. Until tonight.

I always put him to bed by myself but only after he says goodnight to his daddy. Usually, I say "Tell Daddy 'Night night!'" and sometimes he waves, sometimes he buries his head into my shoulder, sometimes he bites my nose. Tonight, he grinned and exclaimed "Nite nite!" It was a bit muffled so we weren't sure if he was actually saying it or just jabbering. So I prompted him again, and he yelled "Nite, nite!!!" all the while beaming from ear to ear like he was so proud of himself. This repeated itself a few more times until we were absolutely sure he knew what he was saying.

Saying "Bye bye" first is so passe, apparently.

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