Monday, December 19, 2011

Fifteen Month Appointment

We finally had Ethan's 15-month appointment today. It was pushed back since we were later going in for his 12 month one, and the weekend pushed us back further, so that's why it was almost a week after the fact. Let's begin with his stats:

Length: 32" (just above 75th percentile)
Weight: 22 lbs. 12 oz. (just above 25th percentile)
Head Circumference: 47.5 cm (60th percentile)

So he slowed down some on his growth, gained some in his weight, and stayed about the same for his head circ. He's back up to where he's been for his weight curve, and the doctor said he looks great!

The rest of the appointment was fairly uneventful. Ethan was much more shy than usual and fussed some about being examined, which could have been because he had to be awakened from his morning nap in order to get there in time. I asked the doctor about Ethan's picky eating habits, and the doctor said it's totally normal and that if Ethan decides to skip a meal here and there because he refuses to eat what is served, it's not going to hurt him. I don't think I'm quite ready to do that yet, so I may stay a short-order cook for the time being, but it's nice to have the reassurance. Apparently growth really starts to slow down starting between 15-18 months so being less hungry + toddler pickiness = stubborn toddler refusing to eat.

He did his usual wailing at the moment of the shots but was totally fine as soon as I got him in my arms. Unfortunately, this round has left him feeling rather poorly. It seemed to hit just in time for his afternoon nap, so after a failed attempt at getting him in the crib, he ended up asleep in the wrap again. When he woke up, he was crying unless he was nursing (even just switching between breasts), so I finally caved to giving him some Ibuprofen, which thankfully seems to have helped some as he's currently at least quiet in the nursery, if not already asleep. Hopefully the reaction will pass quickly, and he'll be back to normal tomorrow!

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