Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

So we don't really celebrate Valentine's Day, but Ethan did receive several valentines from his grandparents, great-grandparents, and even a LLL friend today. His valentine from his grandmama and grandpapa contained an extra special treat:

We opened it at the mailbox, and he began dancing immediately. He danced in two neighbors driveways as I talked to them. He danced through the front yard. Basically, he's been dancing ever since he received it!

On a side note, I went to the original hamster dance website to see if it's still running, about 12 years later. It's still there but now there are all sorts of songs and dances you can pay for, as well as merchandise. However, there's no option to just see the original hamster dance the way it was, with the music paired with the gifs! Disappointing, though I guess not surprising.

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